
Posts Tagged ‘Mary Peterson Johnson’

Love Rondeau

October 21, 2011 3 comments

by Mary Peterson Johnson

Vow: “With my body I thee worship.” —Say
These ancient words again: Then come and play
At Eve and Adam. Thirty five years now
Have passed since first we groped and wondered how
Those lovely pieces fit—and found a way.

Familiarity will not dismay.
Let your gentle muscled fingers stray
Through dark and sacred caves you’ve come to know.

“With my body I thee worship.”

Our bellies round, what hair we have is gray,
One heart repaired, two breasts that had their day
When babies suckled. Now the sap is slow
To rise sometimes. But patiently we’ll grow
Our love to ecstasy; then let us pray

“With my body I thee worship.”

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Mary Peterson Johnson is an Episcopal priest, wife, and mother who has recently found time to join a poets’ circle. After a quarter century of writing and preaching sermons, she appreciates the discipline of communicating in some of the older poetic forms.

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