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Economy: issue summary

September 2, 2009

As the global economy has struggled to find its way to recovery this year, we decided to take a much-used word and ask artists to play around with its meaning and implication so that the word economy could be re-envisioned. We challenged contributors to send us interpretive and imaginative explorations of this one word — and our challenge was met with a rowdy, triumphant and eclectic mix of poems, flash fiction, visual artwork, and video poetry.

As editors, we had the difficult and stimulating task of selecting work we believe depicted the word beyond its stereotypical associations. We sought out submissions that weren’t so much about the news of the word but about its heart and heat. It has been a real honor to read through, select and then present the brave and beautiful work in this issue of qarrtsiluni, which engages its audience to read and think in new and wonderful ways.

Anna Dickie and Pamela Hart, issue editors

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