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Two picture-poem combinations

April 29, 2011

by Tatiana Burghenn-Arsénie and Irina Moga


Knaackstraße — A Balcony

Knaackstraße - A Balcony
(Click images to see larger versions.)

Frail hours in the shadow of the Water Tower.
Muffled clouds, mixed with grains of sun
scattered under the traces of your steps on

Sidewalks. Closed cafés at dawn
when tree branches are almost silenced,
in the tapestry of whistling blackbirds and the sirens’ choir.

Bicycle spokes, empty tables and — ahead —
cathedral eyes gazing at me
through stained-glass flutter.

My love for you — a secret hymn, which I proclaim
from the balcony of a crystal whisper
on this day.


Knaackstraße — Un balcon

Des heures fragiles dans l’ombre de la Tour de l’Eau.
Nuages en sourdine, immiscés avec des graines de soleil,
éparpillées sous la trace des tes pas sur Knaackstraße.

Trottoirs. Cafés fermées à l’aube
quand les branches des arbres se taisent à peu près
dans l’arrière-plan tissu de chants de merle et sirènes.

Rayons des bicyclettes, tables désertes, et en face,
les yeux de cathédrale qui me regardent maussades
à travers des couleurs brisées par les vitraux.

Mon amour pour toi – hymne secret, que je proclame
sous le balcon d’un chuchotement en cristal.

* * *

The Former Stern Radio Building, Berlin-Weißensee

The Former Stern Radio Building, Berlin-Weißensee
(Drawing from the series “gezeichnet.Weißensee” by Kulturring in Berlin e.V)

Walls — brick over brick layered in gusts of light, doors askance
— a wax monument to the hour.

On narrow windows, glass shards cut out jittery clouds.

I have stepped inside its rooms, bided my time on its terms,
listened to strange laws of symmetry under its roof,
as if an occult point of fugue, narrowed down by rubble
floated towards the equinox.

On a cornice of mildew, the ear strains to distinguish the laughter,
and the music trapped in odors of burnt wire.
Muffled voices sift down from the ceilings.

All is oval in the building’s lifted top, doggedly challenging the sky.

The seconds melt, fluid, tracing a flight of birds over sunken sundials.


L’Ancien Bâtiment de Stern Radio, Berlin Weißensee

Des murs — brique sur brique dans un frisson de lumière,
portes entrebâillées — un monument en cire dédié à l’heure.

Sur des fenêtres étroites, des tessons découpent les nuages las.

J’ai franchi son seuil, je me suis tue à ses termes,
écouté les lois de la symétrie étrange de ses toits,
comme si un point de fugue, occulte, étréci par les décombres
s’affaissait vers l’équinoxe.

Sur une corniche en moisissure, l’oreille s’apprête à déchiffrer
les rires, la musique prisonnière et l’odeur de câble déchiqueté.

Des voix muettes descendent, incrustés dans les plafonds.

Tout est ovale dans la rébellion de la tour qui se dresse vers le haut, dans son
affrontement avec les cieux.

Les secondes passent, et se fondent, fluides.
En vol d’oiseau, je retrace les bras d’un cadran solaire, enseveli
par la flamme de la dernière bougie.

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Dr. Tatiana Burghenn-Arsénie is an artist living in Berlin, Germany. Tatiana has participated in numerous individual and group exhibitions and her art is held in private collections in Germany and Romania. She was recently part of the exhibition “Die Kunst Der Krise” (July 2010). Her latest exhibition of graphics, icons and paintings was at Brose Haus, Berlin through January.

Irina Moga (blog) lives in Ontario, Canada and writes poetry in English and French. She recently published poetry in The Chaffin Journal (2009) and Rockhurst Review (2010). Her two books of poetry, Limita Vizibilitatii (Limit of Visibility, 1982) and Poemul Continuu (The Continuous Poem, 1986) were published by the publishing house Editura Dacia in Cluj-Napoca under the pen name Irina Sturza. In 1981, Irina was awarded the awarded the prize for poetry debut by the magazine Tribuna in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

  1. April 30, 2011 at 5:17 am

    vocea, Irina, nu poate decât să(-mi) adauge catifea poemelor tale atât de minunate

    • April 30, 2011 at 10:08 am


      Iti multumesc foarte mult & thank you for stopping by!

  2. cuvintetacute
    April 30, 2011 at 8:34 am


  3. April 30, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Madalina – thank you so much from the both of us!

  4. EIA
    April 30, 2011 at 10:45 am

    You are both very gifted and you bring beaty in this crazy world.Do not stop!

  5. gelu
    April 30, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    Superb ,ultraprofesionist ,consacrare asigurata !Ia zii cine face desenele ?

  6. gelu
    April 30, 2011 at 4:06 pm

    Superb ,ultraprofesionist ,consacrare asigurata ,parca suna mai bine in franceza

    • May 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm

      Gelu: Thank you for stopping by…it’s good to know that you like the French versions of the poems better than the English ones. Tatiana’s drawings of Berlin, fortunately enough, do not need a translation…

  7. Sorin
    May 1, 2011 at 4:00 am

    Gasesc extraordinar de reusita ingemanarea versurilor tale cu crochiurile Tatianei. Sper sa ne delectati in continuare.

    • May 1, 2011 at 10:26 pm

      Thank you Sorin for your comments – greatly appreciated! And yes, we are intent on continuing our collaboration.

  8. May 2, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Felicitări, doamnelor!
    Mulțumesc frumos!!

  9. May 2, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Ce voce plăcută ai, Irina!!
    Mă simt minunat ascultându-te!

  10. May 2, 2011 at 7:24 pm

    Thank you for your comments. A lot.

  11. May 3, 2011 at 1:40 am

    mi-am baut cafeaua in gradina ascultind versurile pe fundalul ciripitului de pasari din padurea de alaturi,am inchis ochii si ma vedeam plimbindu-ma pe strazile pustii ale Berlinului la ingemanarea noptii cu ziua…
    felicitari! amindurora

  12. Cornel Prodan
    May 3, 2011 at 2:35 am

    Eine Super- Kombination zwischen die raffinierten Zeichnungen von alten Berliner Gebäuden und die sensiblen Wörter einer Poetin. Die Phantasie der Kunst hat keine Grenze! Gratulation beider Künstlerinnen!

  13. tatiana
    May 3, 2011 at 2:59 am

    Liebe Kisa, wir danken Dir auch für den wunderbaren Beitrag.
    Es bedeutet uns viel Eure Stimmen zu hören und an Eure Empfindungen teilzuhaben.

    Draga Kisa, iti multumim la rindul nostru pentru minunatul comentariu. Sa auzim vocile si senzatiile trezite publicului nostru inseamna foarte mult pentru noi.

    Cu multa simpatie


  14. tatiana
    May 3, 2011 at 3:01 am


    Vielen Dank für Deine Worte!



  15. Gabriela
    May 4, 2011 at 5:56 am

    E o incantare. Felicitari!
    Mi se pare ca suna bine in ambele limbi, poate ca franceza e mai melodioasa. Cred ca ar suna foarte frumos si in romana.

  16. May 4, 2011 at 8:01 pm


    Thank you so much….That’s the second vote for the French versions we receive here, and yes, we also have a Romanian version of the poems.

  17. Cristina
    November 18, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Schitele Tatianei merita o atentie speciala (nu ca versurile n-ar fi si ele superbe!). Am si eu o intrebare, as putea sa va scriu in privat, pe mail? Multumesc.

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