
Contributors explore a common theme or question under the direction of a single editor or editorial team, which changes every three months or so. Reading periods tend to be a month long, but vary in their exact timing from year to year. If you’d like to get our calls for submission via email, please sign up for our email newsletter (via MailChimp). We also have a news feed on Twitter and, and even (God help us) a Facebook page.

Complete guidelines are now at our submissions manager, through which all submissions must be sent.

If you do not receive an automatic acknowledgement note after you submit, please contact us via email: qarrtsiluni [at] We try to respond with an acceptance, rejection, or request for changes within three weeks of submission, but this depends on the schedules and work loads of our volunteer editors.

We regret that we are unable to pay authors, except in links for those who have blogs or websites.

Please note that theme editors may ask an author to consider some specific changes. Many of our authors welcome this sort of feedback, while others do not. If you wish to receive a simple yes or no answer about your submission, please indicate this when you submit.

People sometimes ask us how we feel about simultaneous submissions. We feel that however you choose to submit your work is your own damn business, and we urge you to boycott any publications whose editors feel otherwise. Simultaneous submissions are always O.K., and you don’t have to inform us (unless of course a piece is accepted for publication elsewhere before we get back to you).

To learn more about the way we operate, see Rob Mackenzie’s summary of what it was like to guest-edit the Making Sense issue, or Marly Youmans on “16 things I learned from guest-editing ‘qarrtsiluni’ Insecta.”


By the act of submitting work, the contributor agrees that, on acceptance, qarrtsiluni acquires one-time and non-exclusive anthology rights. That is, rights revert to the creator(s) of a work with the exception of an option to publish the work, whole or in part, in a future electronic or print anthology edition of qarrtsiluni, with acknowledgment of the creator(s). This agreement is implicit unless otherwise negotiated between and documented by the creator(s) and publisher at time of acceptance.

If you have further questions, please email us.

Report your response times at Duotrope's Digest