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February 23, 2009

Words may not refer to anything, but if they do
they TV the objective world, white noising
over what might’ve been a nice view. On TV
membership has its privileges. In the library
I try to “get lost” in a “slender volume” but
the volume’s too low. Sarcastic & bleak,
TV gets me. Even though TV doesn’t know
how to love me. How I want it to watch me.
No one can keep track of my saccades,
but “Vide” can be used to direct a reader’s
attention to what’s on TV: basically
a forced obliteration of the landscape
w/ TV music. Allowing yourself to be used
is the best way to be used. Shibboleths
issue forth from the muted TV.

by Elisa Gabbert and Kathleen Rooney

Download the MP3 (reading by Elisa)

Process notes

Kathleen and Elisa have been collaborating on poems since February of 2006. All collaboration has taken place via email while Elisa has been living in Boston and Kathleen has been living in Provincetown, Tacoma, and now Chicago. They tend to kick off each round of collaboration by deciding to work in a particular form, either a pre-existing one such as a sonnet, or one of their own devising, such as a backwards poem. They usually compose line by line, with each of them reserving the right to veto or call a do-over on her collaborator’s contribution.

  1. March 12, 2009 at 5:13 pm

    Nice reading, EG. Good to hear your voice.

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